I remembered my mom used to nag me "Becareful with your belongingness's!"

Well, this is how if you do not listen to her.
It used to be my favorite gadget, at least it entertains me a lot when I needed it. No doubt, it's also my mini DSLR customarily made for indoor & outdoor.
Undeniable, I took some great shots!

Outdoor: Evening Beach Mood
Outdoor: Love is not always in the air
Indoor: KL Skyline from Metroview
Indoor: Self-Potrait (Marmaduke)
Indoor: Night twilight
Well, if you have plenty of time to explore your creativity, please do so, cause...
I didn't know I'm so good looking in Italiano
You wouldn't know your hidden talent.
*Sob I still can't accept the fact that my IPhone screen cracked...