1. Rinse the dirty cups and place it back on the tray to serve people.
2. Reuse the used napkins for guest.
2. Reuse the used napkins for guest.
3. 2 Coffee pot combine together-geter so that you no need to make another one.
4. Sneaking, steal eating guest's main course while on the way serve to them.
5. Make any mistakes, just say sorry with your sorrow pity face.
6. Instead of making Earl Grey tea, you make them Boh tea.
and many more.
See, eventhough some of them desperate for food. (*the pose, yiiii...)
On the way back from hotel to my home, I went into Cold Storage to find something. Then only I realized that I'm standing infront of the cigarratte counter booth. I picked one, then I bought it. Stress, really stress... I can't help myself to persue myself not to touch 1 single stick of cigarratte. If you're my friend, you should have known that I hate smokers , hate them so badly. But today, I'm kind of thinking to try once. But luckily Women stopped me...
People sometimes will do something that makes themself embarrasing. I was in the train KTM heading back to my home. I was so tired that i couldn't help myself to open my eyes. There's a girl sat beside me. She actually getting drowzy for the first 5 minutes, after that POOP* she slept on my shoulder. Her friends actually watching the whole thing happen and just keep laughing at us, take video some more! I just pretend that I don't know anything but just let the girl continue sleep. Its a long way ride, people need to get some rest though.
To the girl slept on my shoulder:
Actually i wanna get a pic of u sleeping on my shoulder, but since your friend so supportative, record the video for you, hopefully you will enjoy your pleasent video. Please forgive for my rudeness. Just one last thing...
you the one who gets the benefits ok!?
Your lovely next seat passenger,
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