This week I suppose to stick with my notes and stay in the library, just because of the sick of FINAL TERM EXAM (*Arg....). Last night, I slept at 5am and woke up at 8.30am, continued study and teach John sumore. But overall, the tough one is already over, now I only have to focus on my Budgeting, Finance and French!!!! these subjects making me a big head.
Since the tough one is over, we went to watch movie - Enchanted
I just can't help myself keep thinking of it, ITS SOOOOO TOUCH AND INSPIRING !!!
Hmm, maybe I should share abit 'bout this movie.
It is a classic Disney fairytale collides with real world New York City in a story about a fairytale princess from the past who is thrust into present-day by an evil queen . Soon after her arrival, the Princess begins to change her views on life and love after meeting a handsome lawyer.

The question is, can a storybook view of romance survive in the real world?
At first, the scene was cartoons, I myself asked "are we watching the right movie now?"
But after awhile only I knew its just a part of the intro. Well I don't mind if it's cartoon actually hehe.
And then the story goes fabulously magical
just figure out where a princess from no-where got herself such nice outfit? She handmade herself, by using fabric materials inside the house. Yes, curtain lolx.
Ah I LOVE THIS ONE! Tiny little chipmunks. He used to speak in fantasy world, but he could'nt speak good in real life, maybe he get used to his mother tougue =D
Ahh.....just don't know what to say. Overall the movie just inspired me with fantasy-fantasy. I would say this is a an achievement for Disney to come out such spectacular movie. Yes, I know I'm in a real world, but who cares? Everyone has their own fancy little dream, dreaming one day to ride on a pumpkin coach car, be in the grand ball dance, and meet their love one....
Just an after-movie conversation with my friend:
Me: how's the movie? nice leh!
Friend: awww....soooo touch.
Me: Yea, so good to be in fantasy
Friend: Yea sooo good, and oh yea, Monday we have Marketing exam right?