Its my birthday on 26th, and I had a very simple celebration with my sister family. We actually went to a chinese restaurant, ate lots of Crab (I just love the butter-cheese one!).
Then my niece come out a joke:
Niece: Di, Today is ur b'day, and you eating "Crap"
Me: Yalah ofcourse, can't you see that I'm eating?
Niece: Yea yea yea, eating "Crap" *with the twisting face expression
Me: *swt...feel like wanna throw the hammer to her
Now only I realise, yea birthday boy shouldn't eat Crabs, or else the rest of the year I'll be having CRAPS!!! hehe just being superstitious =p
Anyways, Thanks for Everyone's wishes. I can feel the warmth ^^
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