Time: 2pm (and i was late 30mins. sorry~)
Venue: Carls Jr., Sunway Pyramid
Participants: (from the left) Philip, Alison, Remie,
Khai Weng and GF, Li Ling, Ai Fei,
and Uncle Bunny Paul Ngu
Venue: Carls Jr., Sunway Pyramid
Participants: (from the left) Philip, Alison, Remie,
Khai Weng and GF, Li Ling, Ai Fei,
and Uncle Bunny Paul Ngu
Another gathering together with my high school friend, but this time most of them are from Intellectual class and I was the only one from Class B. *sad
I still remember there was always a gap between them and our class, like sister and brother, dogs and cats, Hillary and Obama ... (okay this gone a lil' bit too much, I know~). Argument is always there, but everything seems fine after we gone through so much wind rain thunder lightning. Not to forget that we were under the same hut ^^
We actually met each other at Carl's Jr. on time, but I was late for no excuse hehe. A little bit of small talk and recall back everything in high school, then we went on a movie.
10 minutes before the movie starts, we played games in the recreational. I have no intention to play game, cause its only 10 minutes. But guess what those guys can do in short few minutes?

Movie's over. We were supposed to go for window shopping, but they all persuasively bring me to Subway (a fast food corner) to take my breakfast (the time is 6pm something).
Thank you so much Bunny Paul for the little "persuasion".

HE LOOKS LIKE OBACAN, Sumore with the stiff look omg...
There is hard time when we say Goodbye. we all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere. Together forever, never apart. Maybe distance, but never in heart. See you guys in another gathering, I hope there's another one ?
*with bless

*sniff *sniff
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