I was actually watching it halfway past few months ago, but you know, exams..... So suddenly I got desire to finish it one shot all by today, which I did. Thanks to 8TV ^o^
Its about a girl (Eza > cheryl samad) tries to solve the mystery behind the death of a famous celebrity (Zack > Naz). Its sort of like "CSI" thingy mix with elements of pleasant and romance. One thing I like this drama, is that the rational, courage and bravery of Eza in ways of solving the mystery. I never seen such tremendous drama after all.
Now that if you tell me how was Gol & Gincu, Rahdi Go Study, Bawang Putih & Merah and what so ever.....
nah... that was just fine / piece of nothing / oh....that one, what was it again?
That's gonna be my answer hehe
Well I just want to introduce this drama to everyone. Go on to 8TV and catch up the highlights. Or, the quickest way, Click Here.
OMG the intro is just so remarkable XD
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