Friday, January 11, 2008 >> stop blogging >> Monday, April 07, 2008
It has been sooo long, ever since I started my revision and project to fight for my Final Year End Exam, and you know what? IT'S OVER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
*throwing textbooks & notes...
It has been sooo long, ever since I started my revision and project to fight for my Final Year End Exam, and you know what? IT'S OVER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
*throwing textbooks & notes...
Everyone with their certificate
Well, after all of the bloody war and sacrifices, we have successfully graduated beautifully.
In the Result Announcement, everyone was struggling and gets to their nerves before they've been announced...
But once they got mention, they fly high...
Team BDH
2 years time, I didn’t know that the time haste so fast.
Although just a short 2 years period,
But we have learn to grow to be a team.
Enjoyment - happy hour
In these 2 years, many, many joy we had, tears we sheards, sometime goes gaga and …..
handle all tons of ASSIGNMENTS & PAPER WORKS haha!
But isn’t it a bliss?
But isn’t it a bliss?

I know, I can see there are always Argument, Isolation, Sarcasticalness…
but we have known each other like no one better than us, isn’t it?
but we have known each other like no one better than us, isn’t it?

Friends always wherever they are
Once again, I’m very thankful for those who has really put effort to finish this academic, and those who really plays a role in friends-ship. Graceful I can say. I would like to appologize for my fault and oversight to all of my buddies, forgive me for my mistaken…
For those who wants to work, I wish you all the best in the future.
For those who wants to continue degree…
2 comment (s):
oh my god, you graduate already, I sill got 2 more years, haiz, damn MR. Lim Kok Wing, so what your plan now, working at KL ?
Hmm...actually ive just finished my Higher Dip, now going to Deg. but i have to wait until july. so now i got a serious long break!!!
working, later. relax, hell yea!!!!!!!!!
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