I have difficulties of making buying decision in the super-store, especially those comes with various selection of a same product. My friend would always suggest me to buy all. Seriously I will not give a sh*t lah.
Same goes to my career wise, I'm facing super dilemma now. It's hard to choose the right path, once you take it, it is very hard to turn back. It's kinda pathetic to say that a person's age like me, still floating on nowhere.

Most probably, as for those generation X and Y whos being very choosy and selective in ways of getting something better (Basically they just want to make life easier lah).

My family would always encourage me to bitter before sweet. Eventually, I did. I would always rather do things from the bottom, then slowly up up up to the sky-high. Apparently I know there are some people who has the same age as me, sitting on their nice leather sit in their own office. Well, what to say, maybe they are smarter.
Ok lah, I'm not as smart as those people lah, I have low IQ lah, what to do?
*breathing deeply*
I have to get a job, NOW!
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