Depression, the best word to describe the start of my day. I took a bath then stepped out to somewhere, somewhere never the house. I planned my itinerary for the whole day, where should I go, what should I do, what should I buy. But the plan wasn't go accordingly. So lesson for today, never plan anything if you go anywhere alone.
I went for a movie in Pavillion, selected a thriller movie Final Destination 4. Thought I could flush away my depression by watching such movie. It was just oookaaayy, but I shouted my lungs out. FUCKING MOVIE SO GELI DISGUSTING!!!!!! But another thing I learned from the movie, is that whatever you do, and wherever you are, accident could possibly happened through a small tiny error.
so boring... ...
OMFG this is just so adorable!
As I walked pass the shopping district, everyone is in pairs and groups. Hardly barely see one person walk alone.
My nose felt sour...
On my way back, there were these couple came out from nowhere, asking for direction to Equatorial Hotel. The useless me, just ignore them by saying
Where is my Shangri-La's 5 cores value?!
I spent the whole day, knowing myself better. The result wasn't affirmative.
A supper ended my day.
Switch off lights
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