The day is bright and shine, but yet I couldn't see the path clearly. I've been asking myself what I want for my life, but the answers are still floating. Recommendation is bullshit, you do not want to let other people to interfere your own life, don't you?
I have couple of thoughts in my mind now. Having the ambitious dream to work in a huge hotel corporation line, but qualification is a problem. My friends whos working overseas now, they are having a good time there. I was being so supportive that encourage them to take the challenge of breakthrough, and yet I am still standing at the same old point thinking of little this and that. What couldn't I have the courage to make decision...
believing in what you can do, I must!
No more complaints, mom says everywhere is an opportunity, all I need to do is search, search for it or else it will not come to you.It's time to play cat & rat, hide & seek.
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