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Time past like you switch on the water tape and the water flows. Hmm...I try my best to recall back what I did in this plain year.
I used to have a warm and cosy housemates, everyday cook ourselves dinner together, but it used to be... I wonder what happened to human relationship nature? Why human doesn't get along with each other?
I bet this is the year, the only year I boosted up my hard-working ability to score the best, and I finally know the meaning "what you get is how much you pay for it". I'm know I'll not get outstanding, but just bless that the score that I'll get is up to my expectation.
*oh god please...
Fuh, this year will never like past few years, I had a lot of gathering activities. Karambunai, Carcasean, Upperstar, Tg. Aru Beach, McDonald's, Ole-Ole Bali, and blah blah blah too much to list out. But I enjoyed every single moment with them, it's like we were connected to each other no matter how far we are. Like the old man said: "we are under the shades, sharing the same skies".
I learnt alot from Friendship, especially those who have gone to other places far far away. It reminds me that, no matter how or what they did to you, it still mainly concern the relationship that we had. I've learnt a lesson, everyone deserved equal treatment, despite how different they are.
We have our first and only family trip, to Cameron Highlands. It was cold and breezy, until it frozen up our relationship. And cool stuff, I'm learning DSLR! I get to use DSLR to snap snap snap beautiful pictures, until I dazed with the effects.
I've been a pro bathroom singer for so long since I was a kid. But in this year, during my 3th sister's birthday, we went to some house club and occupied a room so that we can eat dance sing. I myself probably got to excited until I selected too many songs, and those were the great songs you know! I sang for a while, and the people outside, those servers keep peeping through the doors, and some managers came in some more. I was a lil' bit afraid and paiseh, thought I sang badly. Then one of the manager came in asked my sister, "hey, your brother is a singer ah? he sing very nice ah". OMG I FELT THE ANGEL'S WINGS ON MY SHOULDER~ SO HIGH~ LMAO.
And then, I graduated for my Higher Diploma. So nice to wear graduation robe, just like Hufflepuff in Harry Potter movies. I've got my cert. and I've proved to my sister that I am capable to finish my course, and live my life by myself, of course with family supports. Well, just nice to be grown up =D
My best friends, they all are occupied now, all came in sudden! They keep telling me who who who buy this for me, and who who who bring me to somewhere... Aw, I am so jealous. Being in a depth love pot is just so sweet~ Why am I so not good in this?
Okay I admitted, I'd been in a relationship, short-term ones in 2008, but it ended up nothing. Love is something very hard to understand. Yeah I did cried and sniff and cried somemore, but it doesn't help to recover the pain. The only thing is I realized, I don't need that kind of thing to pamper myself, I've got mon amis et ma famille, and that's enough. Sadly to tell, I have no confident enough to carry up anymore of this...
We have lots of projects and exams, but we do play, finding ourselves new route for travel. Went to so many places and foods with great friends. It just like we were released from the hell judgement day. The great thing is, I find it so nice to have great pals beside you when you enjoying something. My friends were right, "you need 2 hands to clap, 1 hand doesn't really help".
I finally got a chance to go on a trip with my family, not close, but far enough. Been to Denpasar Bali, affordable shelter, expensive foods, bargain able market stuff, and got measles. I wished to learn and play surf board on that crazy tidal wave, unfortunately the area was closed up for cleaning and maintenance. How bad! But its okay, the temples and the scenery were good enough to cover up the disappointment.
and yet, I got a chance to participate on the Campus Open Day. I myself was in charged in restaurant theme concept development and designs, most probably to brainstorm how to come out ideas and to setup the whole designed thingy. It was fun to work with all juniors and they are so cooperative. I myself impressed of what I've done, but SOME PEOPLE doesn't appreciate, and wu ha wu ha wu ha... Blast off you money minded jerk! Don't even know how to appreciate the great work of all of us. We were voluntarily offer ourselves, what do you expect? Never mind I still think I've done a good job~ ne ne bu bu~
Holidays were bored. Nothing much I can do other than movies movies movies. As for my birthday in this year, I FINALLY TASTE MY OWN BIRTHDAY CAKE! who cares if it's from Secret Recipe or Bread Talk? All I want is just a cake with candles lighten up. Didn't expect my friends did a party with me. I'm so thankful, and blessed =D
So nice calling back all the memories in 2008 with a cup of coffee. It all will remain in my album of memory. One day, when I flip through it, I know, I've done these tiny little things. I don't blame what I've did, as for the good things I've done I give it a credit. I just want to look forward. Sorry to say, I have this Déjà Vu, I don't live long. So I'm gonna do what I'm supposed to do to gain everything in advance.
So I pray, in the coming 2009, I want my life to be extremely colorful. Come, DRAW ME WITH YOUR SKETCHING PEN!!!
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