From top to the bottom:

1. Study Hard, of course, to get AT LEAST Honorable in my degree. As a matter of fact, I did pretty hard in degree. Mom says this probably is gonna be my last year to study, not gonna touch any textbook after this. So why don't I put more effort to complete it beautifully?
*nod *nod

2. I'm not going to get rid of sweets and sugars, but I can reduce the consumption. After all the spending, I've realized that 1/5 of my expenses fall under snacks & confectioneries, DAMN it is so F*cking wasted! It would be good if I do savings or get some healthy nutritiousness's rather than for sweets. I'm kinda scared to get diabetes actually...

3. Talking about savings, seriously I need to constraint my budget this year. DO NOT spend too much like money came from nowhere, and DO NOT do shopping, unless it's necessary. As I have a goal, I need to do savings so that I got enough money to get my car license, and bring mom and dad for trip.

4. I'm getting a good job right after I finished my degree. Everyone seems to plan going out of the world, but only me remain here. I wished to go out there and widen my scope, but there's just something I can't leave behind, either family or personal's. It's too early to mark my own words, I just have to make decision according to the current situation.

5. Stop falling myself into some stupid love trap. After all what happened, I just can't pull out myself from the depth shit hole. Practically, I do believe in the integrity of love, but in fact, whole lot of people don't practicing it. So I was wondering why would I spend my time on this F*cking useless thingy? There are some other things waiting for me to be done.

2. I'm not going to get rid of sweets and sugars, but I can reduce the consumption. After all the spending, I've realized that 1/5 of my expenses fall under snacks & confectioneries, DAMN it is so F*cking wasted! It would be good if I do savings or get some healthy nutritiousness's rather than for sweets. I'm kinda scared to get diabetes actually...
*nod *nod

3. Talking about savings, seriously I need to constraint my budget this year. DO NOT spend too much like money came from nowhere, and DO NOT do shopping, unless it's necessary. As I have a goal, I need to do savings so that I got enough money to get my car license, and bring mom and dad for trip.
*nod *nod

4. I'm getting a good job right after I finished my degree. Everyone seems to plan going out of the world, but only me remain here. I wished to go out there and widen my scope, but there's just something I can't leave behind, either family or personal's. It's too early to mark my own words, I just have to make decision according to the current situation.
Hmm...*nod *nod

5. Stop falling myself into some stupid love trap. After all what happened, I just can't pull out myself from the depth shit hole. Practically, I do believe in the integrity of love, but in fact, whole lot of people don't practicing it. So I was wondering why would I spend my time on this F*cking useless thingy? There are some other things waiting for me to be done.
Basically, these are the mostly thing I need to be done. Please, a commitment is meant to achieved in order to reach to the peak level. I want to be a good boy. Santa didn't gave me present last year, because he said I wasn't being good enough. Dear Santa, you know what to do?
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