The time shown AM. I want to sleep, but i can't help myself not being a babysitter, sister just gone up to Genting and dumped kids to me *sigh. Just had a cold fever, and it has been 3 days continuously! Damn I should listen to my sister to take pills. Man i hate it...

No pills, then generate more "wantan" lar. There's more in the bin. Now my nose feels like burning. I take tissues ply by ply, then something is pulling my attention...

Ahha! Rukun Negara on the Tissue Box
I never touch this thing since I graduated my primary 6, still remember that time I was only mumbling with myself, cause I knew everyone's reading it during the monday morning assembly haha. I try
"kepercayaan kepada tuhan,
ketaatan kepada raja dan negara,
keseimbangan perler....er.....lemba....kan?
kesopanan dan kesusilaan."
EH!? there were supposed 5 lines, what is the last one ar!?
The actual one is:
Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan
Kesetiaan Kepada Raja dan Negara
Keluruhan Perlembagaan
Kedaulatan Undang-Undang
Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan
I bet there are more people out there who has no idea about this. After so many thoughts of thinking how stupid me cannot read out my own national principle, I can only say:
I'm a very liberal in politician mar ~ (eh hehehe)
Okay no more stupid stuff. My Garfield blanket is calling me to warm up my bed.
*tick - swith off lights